Tag Archives: wellness

Podcast Episode 1: The Ageless Woman

If you haven’t checked out Episode 1 of Healthy Living in a Toxic World, you are missing out! It was such a pleasure to interview Ageless superstar Annette Larkins. I learned a lot from her. One of my favorite gems is highlighted in the clip above, after she explained that her family has a genetic history of serious chronic conditions but that her lifestyle has kept her youthful, happy, and healthy!

As we have just entered into a New Year, ask yourself if there’s anything in your own family history or even personality that you are using as an excuse to not achieve optimal health. Now, I want you to turn that on it’s head and list all the lifestyle changes you can make to ensure that those excuses don’t become your reality.

To listen to the full conversation, subscribe to the podcast on Itunes, Spotify, or Google Play. Links below 🙂  -XO Esosa E, MS AKA Raw Girl

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All New IG TV Show: Health Bytes!

Hey lovelies! 2019 is here, and I’ve got more new content for you. Hopefully you’ve already subscribed to my new podcast, and yesterday I also launched the first season of my IG TV show Health Bytes! If you do not follow me on instagram, head on over to @therawgirl and hit follow so you can keep up with the weekly episodes. Each week I’ll also be posting the transcript from the show, here on the blog. Please send in comments, questions or topic ideas for season two, I would love your feedback. -XO Esosa E, MS AKA Raw Girl

EPISODE 1: The Dangers of Health Fads

OMG have you tried keto yet? What about the low fat or low carb craze? If you can’t keep up with the latest health fads and are overwhelmed with the massive amounts of contradicting information out there, this one’s for you boo! Welcome to Health Bytes!

I’m not sure if you noticed but every year there’s a new health fad being pushed as the latest way to lose weight, stay healthy, OR to binge on a bunch of foods that aren’t so great for you. Whether it be the keto craze, the myth that fat is bad for you, or the obsession with low carbs, following health fads can miss the mark for several reasons. Let me break it all the way down for you :

TO start, the problem with health fads is that they are usually about getting results quick and not about maintaining your health or longevity. I get it!  We live in a YOLO society, but when you are 80 and have heart disease, you may regret the years you spent on an Atkins diet. At the end of the day, healthy living should not be a race. and the diet we adopt should provide us with immediate health boosting benefits as well as supply adequate nutrients to keep us healthier as we age. Of course, you diet may adapt as you age to accommodate your bodies’ needs, but following a fad can set you up for building a nutritional foundation that is on shaky ground.

Another problem with fad diets: they are not personalized and do not account for specific conditions. I personally believe in bio individuality. We are all uniquely designed and have specific genetic makeups. It’s incredibly important that our diets take those factors into consideration, and also provide the right balance of nutrients to help us heal if we have a specific disease or imbalance. Our diets should be individualized, and should also include some of the healthiest versions of ancestral foods based on where our families originate. When we keep some of the good foods our fathers father ate before us, we are maintaining nutrients in our diets that honor our genetic makeup.

Last but not least, one problem with adopting health fads is that when the craze is happening, there is rarely adequate evidence based research to demonstrate the full repercussions the diet may have on your health long-term. When we get so focused on the immediate short term goals of weight loss we can sacrifice more important aspects such as cardiovascular health. We all know several health fads that were all the rage; only to find out years later research has debunked them as myths. I’m sure you know of the low fat craze which swept America, only to find out later that healthy fats are incredibly important for maintaining good cholesterol and heart health. For instance, research studies have recently shown that low carb diets that are high in animal protein actually decrease longevity.

The moral of the story? Before you jump on the latest health fad, think twice and do your research. It’s a much better use of your time to consult with a nutrition specialist one on one and build a lifestyle that is tailored to you and includes a balanced intake of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

I’m Esosa E. Clinical Nutritionist & Founder of rawgirltoxicworld.com, until next time, your wealth is in your health!


New Podcast Alert!

Happy New Year 🙂 I’m really excited to hail back to my radio days and launch my podcast Healthy Living in a Toxic World, now available on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify! In this podcast, I’ll be bringing  you weekly conversations with health experts, longevity Sheroes and Heroes and insights on your mental, physical, and emotional health. Season one was recorded awhile back but has some serious GEMS! Guests include incredible experts like Dr. T. Colin Campbell author of The China Study, Dr. James Maas New York Times Bestselling author of Power Sleep,  Victoria Moran @mainstreetvegan Author, podcaster and founder of Mainstreet Vegan Academy, Mimi Kirk former PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Over 70, Bernardo La Pallo who at the time of interview was 109 years old  & more!

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The Benefits of Self-Care


Self-care is a buzzword that is heard all too often these days. But what exactly is self-care? Upon deeper investigation it’s clear that different people have different definitions. Some see self-care as regular pampering; equivalent to the “Treat Yo’ Self” mantra from the hilarious Parks and Recreation episode. Others see self-care as attending to the basic physiological needs including water, adequate nutrition, sleep, and more. Neither is wrong, and in-fact, the core definition may lie somewhere in between the aforementioned ideas.

Even if you don’t know what self-care exactly means, there are tell-tale signs that you need some. These can include: running low on energy, dwindling enthusiasm, feeling stressed, anxious or out of balance. The simplest way to think of self-care is as time spent that “refuels your well.” For some that may mean a weekly massage, others that may mean making an effort to get baseline adequate hours of sleep each night and properly hydrate. No matter the practice, at the core of any self-love or self-care act is discipline and forming healthy habits. When we can regularly do something for ourselves to support our optimal well-being, it becomes an act of care.

Some benefits of self-care include:

  • lessened emotional reactivity
  • improved relationship skills
  • increased well-being
  • increased optimism and hope
  • better physical health management
  • improved mood
  • improved quality of life
  • decreased stress levels
  • increased ability to maintain a work-life balance

Another commonly overlooked aspect of self-care is that it’s important to think of it holistically as addressing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our well-being. Meaning, we may be great at physical self-care, but not regularly engage in emotional self-care which leaves us stressed or holding onto unprocessed feelings. Or we could be excellent at mental self-care by consistently challenging ourselves to learn more, take workshops, read new books, while neglecting our physical well-being by getting inadequate rest. To create a balanced self-care routine we should consider all dimensions of our wellness. Below are some examples for each dimension. -XO Raw Girl 

For mental self-care you can: discover new authors or topics of interest that excite us to begin reading, do regular mind puzzles or crosswords, watch videos or listen to podcasts that add to our knowledge, or try learning a new language. In addition to these spending time planning and dreaming out loud can be a part of mental self-care.

Physical self-care can involve getting adequate rest, engaging in exercise and movement that you love, setting aside time for rest and relaxation each week, planning pampering activities like massages or facials, and last but not least eating a balanced diet of nutrient dense but enjoyable foods.

Spiritual self-care tends to bleed out and effect every other aspect of our lives. Mindfulness activities should be at the core of spiritual self-care. Some of these include: nature bathing, praying, daily meditation, journaling, meditative walks, yoga (which can also be physical), honoring your values with activities, attending church or support groups and pursuing experiences that ignite awe and inspiration.

For emotional self-care you may need to see a therapist if struggling with life events or sudden changes, make time for close friends and family, express your emotions through a creative outlet, join a support group or prayer group, make journaling an active practice daily, and resist the urge to self-medicate and avoid emotions using food, drugs, or other substances.

Mid-Year Reflection: How Taking Stock Can Propel You Forward

Wheel of WellnessCan you believe it’s already July? 2018 is moving at lighting speed and before you know it, it’ll be January again and we will be staring at the year’s list of resolutions either amped because we succeeded, or a little meh because we fell short of our mark. As a self-proclaimed Type A personality, I had to learn years ago to slow my roll when it came to goal setting. Have you ever had the moment where you had to tell yourself, to “have several seats?” Well I have and it was humbling at first, but after I processed the feels of failure it became liberating and also increased my faith. The saying is totally true: “Man makes plans, God laughs.” There is so much out of our control these days between natural disasters to politics to general world crises it can feel like nothing is in our control. The good new is we do have control over a few things: our attitude towards our work, how we treat people, how we treat ourselves, and every day we can choose to take daily steps to push us further towards our big vision.

wheel-of-life-assessmentThe mid-year mark is a great moment to stop pushing for a moment, stop, breathe and reflect on what you have accomplished thus far and also take a holistic look at your wellness. One of my favorite exercises to do to assess the current state of my wellness is the wheel exercise. If you’ve never done it is requires us to create a circle (as pictured) with various areas of well-being as slices of the pie or spokes on the wheel. These areas can include: finances, relationships/social, health, work, and spiritual well-being. We can score these areas from 1-10 and place a dot in each section (with zero at the center and 10 at the outside of the wheel). Then we connect the dots and see how close or far away from a circle our wheel is. What’s amazing about this is that it is like a snapshot of the current state of our lives. We may be crushing it at work, but our relationship department is horrible because of family or partner issues. Or our health could be poor, and that could be lowering our work score because we don’t have the energy to perform at our peak.
When we learn to measure our success by how full our wheel is, we not only remind ourselves to move beyond the superficial, but we are loving ourselves enough to want wholeness in every aspect of our lives. If you have never made a wellness wheel I challenge you to make one today. Once you assess each area of your life, start brainstorming on daily actions you can take to improve in the categories that fell short. As seasons change some categories will always fall below the goal, and that is okay. The aim should not be for perfection, but reflection that leads to real action that can help us live the lives of our dreams. -Xo Raw Girl


AYIBA Magazine Feature!


Thank you so much to @ayibamag for including me in their print issue to chat health and my creative projects 💚💚💚 Check it out here: http://bit.ly/AyibaPrint

-XO Raw Girl

Effective Natural Sleep Aid: Valerian Poppy

VALERIAN POPPYEven the hustlers who claim they “grind” 24-7 and survive on three hours of sleep, can’t debate that eventually the human body will crash if you do not get enough rest. Not sure if you all heard about Ariana Huffington’s come to Jesus moment where her lack of sleep let to a serious injury an stitches in her face, chronicled in her book Thrive. Even a CEO needs rest, and she discovered that she actually performs better and makes better decisions when fully rested rather than trying to run the rat race on empty. It’s clear that this AHA! moment was the catalyst that eventually caused her to leave the Huffington Post and move onto found Thrive Global where she promoting health, wellness, and good old sleep.

Recently, a friend reached out to me who was having sleeping problems about whether or not she should take medication. It has become all too commonplace for those with sleeping issues to resort to taking sleeping pills which can have a myriad of side effects known and unknown. She unfortunately lives in Los Angeles, where popping sleeping pills is like eating candy. Everyone seems to do it.  The better solution is to look at your lifestyle, caffeine intake, stress, or racing thoughts and get to the bottom of what you can change to get some real long term sustainable rest.

After giving this advice to my friend, I then told her as she is working on it to give Valerian Poppy a try as a natural remedy to help her sleep on the interim. I used Valerian Poppy as a sleeping aid when recovering from a bad car accident that left me in so much pain it was hard to get to sleep. I would put a few drops in water and I was usually out in 10-15 minutes. Again, I believe dealing with the source of the issue is always best, but this herbal remedy may be something you want to give a try if you are really struggling. Like any herb, can have interactions with other medications so I recommend you take it alone or speak to your doctor about any potential adverse effects of mixing with your current medication. The exact effective dosage isn’t exactly clear either, so the safest bet is to experiment without overdoing it. I usually put one dropper full into a glass of water.

Want additional information about sleep that could help you revolutionize your rest? Check out the book Power Sleep by Dr. James Maas, a world renowned sleep expert. That book changed my life and made me a bit of a sleep natzi in college. I’m sure you will find once you have experienced true, good quality rest, you’ll start getting a little gangsta about your sleep too. -XO

Raw Girl’s 21 Day Challenge is On!

inspired-actionCue the bells, whistles, and trumpets…spring is finally here! For those of you who follow the Facebook page, you know I mentioned wanting to host a virtual wellness challenge. I only moved forward because a nice amount of you were interested, so I hope some of you will come on board for the journey with me.

It is time for a spring cleaning. In this new season, I myself have been focusing relentlessly on wellness mind, body, and spirit. When you embrace making daily progress in each of those areas daily, amazing things begin to happen. The goal of the challenge is to give you an opportunity to see major changes in your mindset, body, vitality, or just simply inner peace by combining living foods, regular exercise, and mindfulness practice. Focusing on all of these areas really gives you an opportunity to “transform;” and by that I mean not just losing weight or boosting your energy temporarily, but seeing lasting changes and adjustments to unhealthy habits and reprogramming new healthier ones to replace them. There is no way you can lose if you are committed to seeing your end result!  I will be your guide through the 21 Days, and the package includes one-on-one coaching sessions with me, a detox plan, and additional raw recipes to help jumpstart your raw journey. All of this for about the same price of a one hour consultation.

541533_10150657683809821_1319308522_nVery excited to have the challenge sponsored by GAIAM, who will be giving the winner a 3 month subscription to GAIAM TV and a yoga mat up to 60$ in value. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to jumpstart your wellness. The challenge begins on April 25th. I recommend participants register no later than April 21st to have time to get prepared. The first five participants to register will receive an additional hour of one-on-one coaching. This challenge is something new and a way for me to get to know more of you lovely readers personally. I am ready to be of great service to all involved. If you have any feedback on the program, questions, concerns, or suggestions, please email me at rawgirltoxicworld@gmail.com! -XoXo Raw Girl 

Visit this page on the blog for more info or to register: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/21-day-wellness-transformation-challenge/


10 Habits for Cultivating Optimal Health



As we mature the majority of us begin to value how essential having good health is for quality of life. Nowadays you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who is not plagued by a terminal illness or does not know someone in their family, friends, or acquaintances who is dealing with the consequences of bad lifestyle choices or perhaps even what seems to be a bad stroke of luck. Our bodies’ are a complex culmination of the emotional, mental, spiritual, and food choices we have made over our lifespans. It is very easy to get focused on heathy eating and forget that there is so much more that feeds disease including the mind, emotions, and spirit. Even beyond consideration of holistic wellness, optimal health should also include considerations of each of the essential body parts functioning at their best. So not only are you in great physical shape, your teeth are strong, your gums, hair, nails, feet, arms, organs etc function at their best. When anything in our bodies goes awry in just one part it’s amazing what a profound affect it can have on our general well being, livelihood, and ability to perform at our best. That is because each part of our bodies’ inform the whole and vice versa. So as you consider optimal nutrition and what is the best fuel for you, I challenge you to also pay close attention to any other signs that your body is giving you that you may require some TLC.

When you take preemptive measures it will require that you spend extra time and money to maintain a lifestyle that promotes optimal health, but remember that it’s a worthy investment. Wouldn’t you rather add extra time in for flossing that pay for expensive dental work when you have gum disease? Or modify your diet now and avoid diabetes that plagues your family rather than have a limb removed altogether later? The costs of taking your wellness for granted are steep and come with a much higher price tag when things get urgent. In addition to looking at your own habits, knowing your family history is invaluable and essential to ensuring that you stay on the path of optimal health. If you know what diseases an ailments your parents or grandparents dealt with you can take measures now to adjust your lifestyle so that you never have to worry about carrying on that disease legacy. Below are ten simple things you can do to ensure that you are living optimally. These are just suggestions, but these guidelines should help you get an adequate idea of habits you can improve or add to your daily routine. Prevent now, prosper later! -XoXo Raw Girl

  1. Adequate Supplementation. Eating a well rounded diet that provides your body with adequate nutrition is essential but given our hectic lifestyles we still may fall short of what our bodies’ need. One way to ensure you have all of the right fuel is to supplement using super foods or high quality supplements. If you are a veggie lover, B12 should be on your list, and you may also include a multivitamin, green algae or grass powders, probiotics, flax or algae based omega-3 supplements and others depending on your body. It’s important to get tested regularly by your doctor and rectify any imbalances you may have so that you prevent long term illness. 
  2. Regular Exercise. This is a no brainer, but it’s amazing how quickly this habit for optimal health goes out the window. I know you feel like you don’t have time, but carving out a mere 30 minutes daily to exercise will do wonders for your health, boost your energy, and keep you younger and happier thanks to the serotonin boost. Find a way you love to move and stick to a routine that works for you. If your bored with your workout, change it up and bit and venture out to try fun alternative forms of exercise. Pole dancing, anyone? Whatever floats your boat, is great as long as you commit to #MoveThatBody.
  3. Practice Mindfulness A.K.A. Manage Your Emotions By Any Means Necessary. We often greatly underestimate the power our emotions have to keep us healthy. Emotional wellness is key in long term health and learning healthy ways of managing our stress keeps us from adopting unhealthy disease inducing habits like overeating, smoking, alcoholism etc. There are many ways to keep your emotions under control but they all involve a daily commitment to a practice of mindfulness. Breathing helps, as does meditation, prayer, or yoga. Find something that makes your spirit sing and commit to it as the daily food for your spirit. Your soul needs food too, and the more you feed it the more peace, health, and happiness you will find no matter what life throws your way.
  4. Take Care of Your Teeth. Just in case you didn’t know, the health of your teeth and gums is a huge indicator of your overall well being. If bacteria in your mouth is not kept under control in can enter your bloodstream and cause infections or even heart disease. In addition gum issues and infections may be an indicator of problems with your blood sugar levels. Loosing teeth later in life is sometimes an indicator of osteoporosis, and loosing teeth before the age of 35 may increase your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Moral of the story? Mind your mouth now, and avoid health complications later. Flossing daily, brushing your teeth, regular cleanings, and using a mouthwash are ways you can care for your teeth now and prevent health drama later.
  5. Eat Whole Foods and Read Your Labels. You should know this by now, but diet does play a huge factor in changing your destiny and moving your compass towards optimal health. I’ve interviewed a bunch of healthy men and women over seventy about longevity and all of them were able to completely outlive their genetic history and avoid diseases that plagued there parents and grandparents by changing their diets. We have yet to see the full implications of eating genetically modified foods, but the signs are already there that it’s taking a negative toll on lifespan and the quality of health of many people. No matter what your diet, these days you have to go out of your way to avoid  anything that is not really food. Read your labels and avoid non organic meats, fruits and veg, processed and packaged foods, refined sugars and salt, and unhealthy oils whenever possible. Although the cost of your groceries may increase, there are always ways to get savvy and find a bargain. Remember that eating to live now, is a definite investment in your personal healthcare plan, and the good news is you get to reap benefits immediately.
  6. Schedule Regular Checkups. When you get centered on a more holistic lifestyle or GO VEG, you may find that you are sick less and less if not at all, and are able to manage health crises with your own intuition and natural cures. We get caught up sometimes in calling our primary doctors the big bad wolves, because of the prescription drugs they peddle for any ailment without dealing with the root cause. And they “the big bad wolves” think that a lot of us veggie lovers have gone completely mad with our juice making, medicine avoiding, organic loving ways. The thing is, medicine has it’s place and is still incredibly useful for all of us to assess deficiencies and catch illnesses if we commit to regular exams and checkups. You should be checking in on yourself regularly, but it is nice to get a blood test that can let you know where you may be deficient and cue some adjustments in your diet or daily health regimen. Every doctor has his or her place, so make sure even if you are like me and love the woo-woo back to nature medicine route, you still engage in regular checkups with your doctor.
  7. Know Your Status. Sexual health is a huge issue and continues to grow in importance as the number of people infected with sexually transmitted disease is on the rise, and a large majority of people are completely unaware of their status. It is incredibly important for you to take precautions necessary to guard your sexual health, and also ensure that you engage in regular testing. Do you know your status? If you have not been tested and are sexually active, know that by avoiding testing your are playing a very dangerous game. Also ensure that once you do know your status you take the precautions necessary to avoid STD’s. Bad news is there are tons of STD’s nowadays that can be transmitted even with use of condoms etc. so just take care, use your intuition, know the status of your partner, and engage wisely.
  8. Maintain Colon Health.  Colon health is most likely the number one wellness issue in America today, period. The majority of diseases begin with the accumulation of waste in our colon or our “bodies’ sewage system.” When I interviewed Bernando LaPallo who is a 110 year old raw foodist and asked him what he does to maintain a healthy colon he gave a great answer which was if you eat fruits and vegetables and avoid unnatural foods, your colon health will take care of itself. It’s true that the majority of problem begin when our colons get clogged with unnatural or toxic foods that get stuck in your colons as impacted waste and slowly but surely start to cause health problems. Beyond just eating good whole foods there are other things you can do to regularly to ensure your colon is not becoming a cesspool for disease. For some ideas check out this past post: “#1 Health Issue in America: Maintaining a Healthy Colon“.
  9. Monitor & Value Adequate Sleep. Sleep is another precious commodity we undervalue in our culture. We are obsessed with “grinding,” getting ahead, meeting deadlines, and sacrificing vacations for promotions. It’s important to make sleep a priority so that you can be the best you everyday. Not only does sleep affect our performance, learning retention, and brain functioning, sleep plays a major role in boosting our immunity, weight loss, preventing the onset of many diseases. The best way to get adequate sleep is to attempt as much as possible to stick to a sleep schedule and go to bed and wake up around the same time daily. To learn more about sleep check out this episode of my radio show “The Power of Adequate Sleep,”  in which I interviewed Dr. James Maas, an internationally renowned sleep expert.
  10. Engage in Regular Detoxification. Conducting regular fasts, or embarking on a detox every now and then can do wonders for your health. Your digestive system gets some time to rest, and as you detoxify your body you are taking time to rid yourself of toxins that could have later built up and caused illness and disease. Regular fasting or detox does not have to be crazy and intense, it can be yearly, monthly, or as needed, it’s just one additional way for you to pay it forward and prevent problems before they arise.

VOTE Raw Girl for Best Health/Wellness Blog in Black Weblog Awards

Dearest Readers:

Raw Girl in a Toxic World is a nominee for Best Health/ Wellness Blog in the Black Weblog Awards. Voting goes until October 1st. You know I heart all of you and so appreciate your readership!! If this blog has provided you with any good insights, health tips, natural cures, recipes, or quality information as I have intended I would so appreciate you taking a minute to VOTE. It’s very simple. Visit the link below, you can skip all of the other sections and just go to Health/Wellness and click Raw Girl in a Toxic World. DO IT NOW, before you forget and spread the word. Thanks so much veggie lovers! -XoXo Raw Girl
