Preparing for Expansion – Spring Cleaning for Body, Mind, & Spirit


Spring is here and summer is right around the corner! We all associate spring with new life, beautiful buds beginning to bloom in the trees, and better weather. I’m sure you have also heard of the term “spring cleaning.” The thing about any kind of growth or new life is that is requires that we get rid of the old to make room for the new. As we move into this approaching new season, make some time to take stock in your own life.

Ask yourself: what personal objects are you holding onto that you no longer need? What associations whether personal or business should be release or transformed? Are there habits that are getting in the way of your success that you need to change? Take some time alone with yourself to journal about these things.

My background is primarily in the world of health and diet, but I believe that how we treat our bodies very much affects our mind and spirit. The equivalent of “spring cleaning” for the body is to take on a detox. Are you feeling sluggish or low energy? Is your skin dull or are you experiencing breakouts? It may be time for a detox. To cleanse the body there are many things you can try including 1) Juice Fasting, 2) Parasite Cleanse, 3) Partial Fast. With Juice Fasting or feasting you would consume fresh vegetable juice for 1-3 days maximum if you are a newbie to fasting in order to give the digestive system a break and allow the body to flush out toxins. A Parasite Cleanse involves taking herbs that you can find over the counter to rid the body of worms that may be sapping your nutrition, energy, and causing other health complications. Everyone should do regular yearly parasite cleansing as you can pick them up from contaminated water, pets, travel etc. On a partial fast, you can choose what food items you want to leave out of your diet and the duration. You could use the mornings to do juices or smoothies, and eliminate all meat or processed foods for a few days. It’s up to you.

I encourage you to think about it because as you release waste or toxins from body, your aura can open up. There’s a lightness that occurs and allows you to think clearer, receive Divine insight, and live your best, most energized life. When you combine a toxin-free body with the power of positive intention, magic can happen. Here’s to your incredible spring-cleaning experience and to all the amazing things that flood your life once you have the courage to release the old! -XO Raw Girl

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