3 Little-Known Secrets About Candida

Candida Albicans Photo from neogen.com

Candida Albicans Photo from neogen.com

Secret #1: Candida can live in your face!

Have you had persistent inner ear itching that always makes you have a q-tip on hand to alleviate this torment? Do you experience tightness in your jaw, sometimes so bad that it prevents you from opening your mouth or smiling fully? Are your eyes ultra sensitive, always red, often swollen and plagued by itchy, watery, or dry bouts? Is your nose constantly running or stuffy and clogged? Are you extremely sensitive to chemical odors or perfumes? Do you have an itchy throat with a coated white tongue and bad breath in the morning? How about problems with your teeth shifting, grinding or yellowing? What about terrible, relentless acne, eczema or hives? If you answered yes to all or most of these, you can assume that Candida has very likely made a secret colony inside your facial tissue and mucous membranes.

Secret #2:Candida can harbor in your brain!

Do you feel depressed all the time for no good reason? Are you always irritable, easily annoyed or moody? Is your motivation and drive much less than what it used to be, making you sluggish, lazy and procrastinating? Are you cloudy in your thinking, overwhelmed by crowds and averse to people and social situations? Have you become reclusive, judgmental and negative-minded? Answer yes to all or most of these questions and you could have Candida overgrowth in your brain tissue affecting your cognitive and emotional abilities. These organisms send distorted information through your brain pathways as they proliferate, feed and die-off. This faulty information is destabilizing for your body system, which is being misdirected by foreign yeasts and pathogens.

Secret #3: Candida can eat your vitamins!

Are you always on expensive high quality supplements that never seem to work? Do you take lots of vitamin C, probiotics and superfoods, but to no apparent lasting benefit to your body? Are you still constipated with bad skin, dry breaking hair and low energy? Do you have trouble sleeping, tossing and turning all night with insomnia? Is finding foods that don’t cause allergic reactions a constant battle for you with even “healthy” items being difficult for you to digest? Are you nauseous after eating, ravenous for snacks in the evening and unable to ever get a feeling of satisfaction? Do you eat healthy, vegan or raw and yet still always feeling undernourished, bloated and toxic? If you answered yes to all or most of these questions, then the pathogenic yeasts called Candida may be using the undigested, unassimilated vitamins rotting in your belly as their food! If the yeasts are not brought into balance, none of the healthy nutrients you ingest have a chance of reaching your vital organs where they’re most needed.

– Sia

To learn more about Sia, click here

10 Responses to 3 Little-Known Secrets About Candida

  1. Yolanda says:

    What can you take for this?

  2. Denise says:

    I thought raw juicing was going to be the answer to clear this up, but it doesn’t seem to be the answer to clear up the candida. What is? How does one get this under control?


  3. Sate Kazazian says:

    Hi! Thanks for the info. I seem to be dealing with some of these issues and no matter how “healthy” I eat, they are still there. What is going on!!?? What is the remedy?

  4. Hi D,

    Since fruit juice, even raw fresh-pressed, has such a high sugar content, It is not advisable to combat candida, which will feed off the sugars. Stay tuned for part 2 of the article which focuses on remedies for yeast overgrowth. In the meantime pure water is key!



    • Denise says:

      Thank you Sia,
      I thought this was the case as well, but Dr Klein of Hawaii, wrote Self Healing of UC and Chrons, (leaky gut) e book, as well as Raw Girl wrote a article about Candida in the past and both confirmed that low glycemic fruit is best and yes fruit will not feed Candida UNLESS eaten with dairy, grains, meat, anything BUT vegetables b/c if fruit gets behind slow digesting foods like meat or mixed with high inflammatory foods like grains, then it can feed the yeast b/c it sits and ferments as well as inflame the gut further . But b/c fruits are so easily digestible and move through the system very fast , when juiced with gentle veg like romaine (stimulates bile) , celery (balances electrolytes sodium and potassium ) alone it heals the gut lining, gently scrubs the cells, alkalizes, lowers mucous, lowers acidity, starts to balances the gut flora, changing the terrain, giving the pathogens TOO healthy of a place to grow and live.

      Even taking herbs at the front stages will irate a gut, so to juice with both fruits and veg, heal gut wall, gentle detox until gut wall is healthier then add the veg and fruit that will further scrub and detox slowly, like kale and other sulfur veg b/c these are the ones that truly detox, but may be too harsh at first.

      If the gut is so leaky, the toxins will leak out and re circulate making one sicker and sicker, so starting with fruits and veg to heal gut, where 80%immune is, will heal candida.

      Is this not the case?

      So aren’t fruits OK? Are you suggesting a water fast, when you say pure water is the key, or drink water but what does one eat with a inflamed, leaky gut? raw salads and such can irate a gut and the food comes out whole, further confirming the permeable gut wall and leaking toxins

      still confused…

      Thanks for your help


  5. Hi Denise,

    Thank you for sharing your information and questions. In my personal experience with systemic candida, the initial detoxification process is made more thorough with a no-sugar regimen. However, this may vary with each individual and their level of yeast overgrowth. It is best to read the literature, get educated on the varying levels of candida, meet with a specialist and above all, listen to your body. You are clearly well-informed and this is the greatest strength in tackling one’s health challenges.

    I am not, at this time, recommending a water fast or fasting in general. Though there is much information available on yeast overgrowth and the pros and cons of fasting. So this path is worth further consideration. I have, however, found that pure alkalinized water is an essential component of any anti-candida diet. After the initial detoxifying phase is complete, I have also found reintroducing periodic low-glycemic fruits and sweeteners to be a wholesome choice. I look forward to your thoughts on Part 2 of this article – Candida Cures.



  6. Hi Sate and Yolanda,

    Thank you for inquiring! Yes, candida overgrowth is rampant nowadays and the way to tackle it is through a complete diet and lifestyle overhaul. The goal is to stop putting even healthy food in a toxic body and to, for a time, use only those foods, herbs and ways of living which will completely cleanse and detoxify the system of parasitic fungus. We will go into this in more detail in the upcoming article. Stay tuned-



  7. Editor says:

    Peace y’all. Part 2 of this article will come on Wednesday. There you will find remedies to kick Candida’s bootay! 🙂

  8. Jet says:


    So after month of researching I have concluded that I am dealing with a parasite/candida/yeast overgrowth. For many years I have binge drank, smoked cigarettes and eaten candy at an obsessive rate.

    After a summer of skin rashes on my face, a new persistent sensitivity to tomatoes and a slugglish hit to my energy level I am ready to change. I’m just not sure where to start. I’m on a limited budget at the moment and oftentimes find it easier and more affordable to continue with the standard amerikan diet.

    I am going to continue to the follow-up articles but I am looking for a way to jump start a lifestyle change that will alter my current circumstances – without going for broke. I like in NYC and really have to prioritize my funds in order to thrive and find myself choosing between eating healthy or walking instead of taking the subway.

    Help would definitely be appreciated.

    • Hi Jet,

      I would suggest primarily to cut out cigarettes, alcohol and candy, if you haven’t already. Next step would be to stop eating red meat, pork and deep-fried foods. Bread, sugar and dairy also need to be eliminated. As you release these from your diet and lifestyle, integrate more pure water, green leafy vegetables and whole grain brown rice or quinoa. Buy some bulk herbs like dried ginger, moringa and turmeric, and add these to your food and your tea. Start a yoga practice or a daily jog or swim in salt water. These are some beginning steps that are low cost and effective in preparing your body to cleanse and detox on a more rigorous anti-candida diet.



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