Pau d’arco

Some of my clients look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them to go buy a bag of bark and boil it to make tea, but I ain’t playin LOL.

I’m referring to pau d’arco – a dietary supplement made from the inner bark of several species of Tabebuia trees that grow in Central and South America. Also known as taheebo or lapacho, it has long been used to treat a range of ailments.

Research suggests that pau d’arco extract has antibacterial and antifungal properties. While the exact mechanism remains unknown, pau d’arco is thought to inhibit the processes bacteria and fungi need to produce oxygen and energy. Several test-tube studies show that the bark extract provides protection against a number of disease-causing organisms and may also inhibit the growth of infectious bacteria in your digestive system. 

Pau d’arco extract is also believed to inhibit inflammation — your body’s natural response to injury. Several animal and test-tube studies demonstrate that pau d’arco extract inhibits the release of specific chemicals that trigger an inflammatory response in your body. For example, in one study, pau d’arco extract blocked inflammation in mice by 30–50%, compared to a placebo. As such, it may help treat inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis, which causes swelling, pain, and stiffness in your joints.

Lastly, pau d’arco helps the body fight candida which is one of my favorite uses for it. Candida, also known as candidiasis, is a common yeast infection that can lead to many health problems. The body normally produces yeast in the mouth, vagina, rectum and digestive tracts, and in normal amounts it remains harmless; however, if the body’s natural pH balance is upset, candida symptoms can quickly grow out of control.

If you are suffering from headaches, an inability to concentrate, hyperactivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, sugar addiction and stomach problems, you may be suffering from an overproduction of yeast and candida and we can help. Check out my Candida & Parasites Be Gone course or sign up for a meet and greet with a member of our team.  -XO

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