The Importance of Hydration

Hey girl hey! Are you dehydrated? 

Early on in my practice, there were a surprising number of clients who were suffering from fatigue, high blood pressure, constipation, and more just because they were not drinking an adequate amount of water. Water is one of the essential macronutrients and is vital for all forms of life that gives our bodies’ energy sufficient to complete its basic functions.

The necessary water intake for each individual can vary based on climate and level of exercise, but generally speaking, the average person needs around half of their body weight in fluid ounces to be consumed for adequate daily water intake. I found while in Freetown I have to increase my water intake because of the heat. 

Drinking water that is purified is ideal and there are many methods of purifying water including filtration, distillation, and the reverse osmosis process. Before you drink your tap water, you might want to conduct some research on the safety of the water in your area because in some locations, the water is exposed to toxic chemicals, organisms, and even pharmaceutical drugs. And bottled water promoted by an array of companies is often no better than tap water. Bottled water also has the added issue of BPA, an endocrine disrupting chemical that can leach from the plastic into the water, and have deleterious effects on your health. 

In addition to focusing on the water you drink, in recent years I have had experiences that reminded me to be concerned about the water in which I bathe!!! Remember your skin ABSORBS. Dermal absorption is the transport of a chemical from the outer surface of the skin both into the skin and into the body. Studies show that absorption of chemicals through the skin can occur without being noticed, which is why it’s important to research the quality of your water source and get a shower filter or whole house filter, depending on your needs and budget. 

For more great information about water quality, be sure to listen to my past Staying Ageless podcast episode “How to Access the Best Quality Water” with Dr. Floyd Atkins. -XO

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