Tag Archives: nutrition

Catch me LIVE tomorrow at 12 PM EST!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I usually go LIVE for office hours around 12/12:30 pm EST on Saturdays. This week, I’m moving my LIVE talk to Sunday, May 12th, and chatting with one of my clients who completed Staying Ageless 30+ and made awesome progress! If you are on the fence about the class and need questions answered, or just want to learn more about the process, come on through! I will allot time to answer as many questions as you all have. All you have to do to get in on the action is follow me @therawgirl and tune in. I’m more excited than I get about fresh coconut water or perfect avocados to see you guys 🙂   -XO Raw Girl

Catch me LIVE Tonight on Instagram :)

Are you on Instagram? If so, you can catch your girl LIVE tonight at 8:30 PM  with Sandra Marie to spill all the tea and chat healthy living, nutrition, #StayingAgeless and fashion 🙂 All you need to do to tune in is follow me @TheRawGirl. You are also welcome to ask questions LIVE. Hope to see you tonight! The replay will be up on my profile for 24 hours in case you miss it. -XO Raw Girl

Staying Ageless 30+ Now Open for Enrollment!

At the end of my transformative program StayingAgless 30+ my students put together their “Glow-Up” story. This helps them to measure how far they’ve come since the beginning of class. Me and my team measure the success of my program my the number of people who have a legitimate #GlowUp because my desire is to get results for every client.

Here’s a story from one of my rockstar students who did the work and was willing to share! I’m sharing more success stories all week on Instagram and in my newsletter.

Glow Up Story

I’m able to maintain enough energy to power through the day and go to bed restfully.

I‘ve lost 10 pounds (now 12 from date of this post!).

My skin is clearing up and is a lot less dry.

I’m able to move around and be active without the usual aches and pains.

I have been working out consistently for the first time since college.

I feel an overall sense of calm. The endorphins from my workouts and the amount of nutrient dense foods I’m eating now has really gone a long way to changing my overall mood and well being.

It’s only been a few weeks, and I haven’t been perfect with implementing my rituals. However, I have tried to be as consistent as possible and I look forward to building on my progress. – Angela F.

I’m beyond excited that my online transformational program Staying Ageless 30+ is coming back just in time to help you too—to get your glow up this summer! Official enrollment for the class, which begins May 19th starts NOW 🙂 Excited for all the ladies who pre-enrolled and are ready for transformation!

If you are a woman 30+, struggling to create consistent healthy rituals, not sure about the right diet or exercise for your body, and are ready to invest in staying fly until your are 99 or close to it…I’d love to chat with you.

I’ve just opened up my calendar for the next two weeks to take one-on-one calls 🙂

To get on my calendar please book your twenty minute Meet & Greet HERE: calendly.com/rawgirl

XO Esosa E, MS AKA Raw Girl

The Skinny on Parasites

This week on my Instagram TV show, I discuss parasites. If you would like to watch the video, follow me on Instagram @therawgirl. Below is the written transcript. -XO

Do you know what it feels like to have your life force being sucked out of you daily? Most people do, only they don’t know what the source of their woes are. The buggers AKA Parasites! If you are thinking to yourself WTF?? or you know you have them and want to know what to do? This one’s for you boo.

Welcome to Health Bytes!

Although it sounds crazy and a little scary to think about worms in our bodies, YIKES! the fact is that 99.8% of people will be exposed to or experience health issues related to parasitic infection. You can get parasites from your pets, other people’s pets,  from kissing or having intercourse with a person who has parasites, from contaminated drinking WATER water (especially tap water), from walking barefoot on contaminated soil, from improperly cooked or handled meat, improper hygiene bad hygiene, infected fruits or vegetables, and the list goes on.

So, what are parasites? Parasites are organisms that live in our bodies and feed off of our life force. They are worms that (can be deadly) because they suck us dry by preventing nutrients from our food from nourishing our bodies, can cause damage internally to organs, and a host of other symptoms that you and your doctor will most likely mistake for something else entirely. These can be anything from stomach and intestinal complications like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or leaky gut, mood and anxiety issues, sleep disturbances, weight issues either via excessive hunger, or excessive weight loss, skin disorders like acne or rashes, food allergies, and excessive fatigue or lack of energy. Essentially, parasites can slowly but surely erode your quality of life.

Because parasites are so prevalent, it’s a great idea to conduct a basic over the counter parasite cleanse that you can find in a local health food store at least once a year. The best cleanses usually have some form of tincture and pill combination and will include herbs such as cloves, wormwood, black walnut hull, along with other ingredients designed to kills worms and their eggs.

Cloves destroy parasitic eggs before they have a chance to develop. They are more powerful when purchased whole and ground up for consumption as they tend to lose their anti-parasitic properties rather quickly. Cloves contain powerful antimicrobial agents that travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs. Cloves are tremendously effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies and other parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi, including Candida.

Black walnut hull is very effective at removing dead parasites and other parasitic wastes from the body. It is available in a powdered form, in capsules, as well as in tinctures. Black walnut hull has been used for centuries to expel various types of worms, including parasites that cause skin irritations such as ringworm. It also oxygenates the blood, which also helps kill parasites. Black Walnut hull is very effective against tapeworms, pinworms, Candida albicans, and malaria. It is also effective in reducing blood sugar levels, and facilitating the bodies’ natural detoxification process.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful weapons in the parasite killer arsenal. It is an extremely bitter herb that is quite difficult to down, but the effects are well worth it. It acts as an anesthetic that numbs the parasites, thus forcing them to release their grip on the body. The herb is most effective against roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Wormwood is the second most bitter herb known to man and has been proven a powerful herbal remedy for malaria.

Consuming Raw or Aged Garlic is one of the most effective ways to kill parasites. Garlic is an effective remedy for many types of parasites, from one-celled species to larger varieties such as hookworms and pinworms. Garlic is known to slow and kill more than sixty types of fungi and twenty types of bacteria, as well as some of the most potent viruses known to humans. All effective parasite cleanses always include garlic. It can be hard to consume large amounts of raw garlic, so another way to successfully include large amounts of garlic in your diet is to consume aged, odorless garlic pills.

Apple Cider Vinegar increases stomach acid if taken prior to your meals. This will keep the stomach free of parasites and will also ensure that you will kill off any larvae you inadvertently eat with your meals.

Coconut Oil has an abundance of medium chain fatty acids, which after converted by the body, create a substance that efficiently kills parasites, yeasts, viruses, and pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

Pungent Spices such as: turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, chilies, horseradish, and cayenne, all make parasites run for cover. While conducting your cleanse you can use all or some of these spices freely to add flavor and aid you in kicking some parasite but.

I’m Esosa E. Clinical Nutritionist & Founder of rawgirltoxicworld.com, until next time, your wealth is in your health!

For more on parasites, check out my book which includes instructions for a cleanse: Parasites, Be Gone! 

If you need a one on one consultation to develop a personalized intervention for parasitic infection or to address other conditions, improvement in your diet, or weightloss book here: www.therawgirl.com.

Recap! Self-Care 101: Creating Rituals That Nourish the Mind, Body, and Soul

Had an incredible turn out the last weekend in March at the Black Love Experience for my workshop: Self Care 101, Creating Rituals That Nourish the Mind, Body, & Soul. We discussed what I believe are the fundamentals of self-care, and the importance of laying a strong foundation for health by creating healthy rituals. Most of us think of self-care as pampering; but before we can begin “treating ourselves” it’s really important we give our bodies’ the nutrition, sleep, and spiritual food it needs to thrive. I’m grateful to all who came out and excited to share more on Self-Care very soon. If you missed my past article 10 Fundamentals of Self-Care, check it HERE.

Healthy Living in a Toxic World – Episode 9: What is a Colonic?

In this episode of Healthy Living in a Toxic World we chat with Scott Webb, author and professional colon hygenist to get some insight into colonics, the myths behind them, and what benefits they can provide for your overall health.

We discuss:

  • What is a colonic?
  • What are some common myths about colonics
  • Is it safe to have a colonic and what to expect
  • The difference between gravity and machine based methods
  • What are ways to find a good hydrotherapist and what credentials to look for
  • His personal health journey and what led him to become a colon hygenist
  • The benefits of getting regular colonics

& More! Tune in and don’t forget to share.

Staying Ageless 30+ is LIVE & Almost Sold Out :)

Hi lovelies,

I’m super excited that my 8 week transformational health program Staying Ageless 30+ is LIVE! There are only a few spots left in the course and the cart closes tonight at midnight.

This course is for you if you are a woman 30+ who:

    • Wants to be fly until 99 or close to it!
    • Needs to learn how to create life-giving healthy rituals that leave you feeling and looking better than ever
    • Wants to fast track and hone in on the best diet and exercise to get results for your body
    • Needs to refocus on self-care and prioritizing your health

This 8 Week Online Course includes:

    • Lifetime access to all future course upgrades
    • 4 LIVE 1.5 hour sessions with Esosa E, MS
    • Access to the online course portal with video, audio, and written lectures
    • Weekly Check-In Calls from Week 5-8
    • The Staying Ageless Workbook
    • Subscription to the #StayingAgeless Facebook community


    • Additional One-on-One Health Assessment and Coaching with Esosa E, MS ( One 1.5 hour session – Limited to students who pay in Full)
    • Access to Coffee Enema Course (for all students)

If you are a woman 30+ interested in #StayingAgeless and a loyal reader of this blog, I’d love to extend the opportunity to schedule a FREE 20 minute call with yours truly today or tomorrow! To book your slot click HERE: calendly.com/rawgirl

To BOOK YOUR SPOT in the live course which begins March 2nd visit here: Bit.ly/StayingAgeless

Just to RECAP…

Over the course of eight weeks you will:

    • Learn my C.A.A.T.I. (catty) method of creating new healthy habits to set your up for long term success
    • Assess the current state of your health and set specific goals for transformation
    • Create and implement rituals in Diet, Detox/Elimination, and Lifestyle
    • Practice putting your rituals into action with support
    • Learn about powerful supplements, exercises, and longevity protocols that will slow the aging process

The class format includes informative Live sessions, pre-recorded videos, text articles, images, handouts, and bonus audio interviews.

You will finish our course equipped with:

    • A Staying Ageless Workbook that can be referenced again and again to reassess where you are in your health journey
    • A list of #Ageless resources to add to your toolbox
    • Understanding of a method to create and sustain health habits
    • New rituals you have put into practice
    • Access to the #StayingAgeless Facebook community page
    • Clarity on your health status, diet, and exercise that works for your body
    • Checklist/ Goal Worksheet for Staying Ageless
    • Lifetime access to the course portal and any future upgrades

I am super passionate about this course and wanted to create a class that I would want to take myself! My goal is to save you time and money by putting the best of resources together and giving you the support you need to create transformational change in your health that allows you to pursue your dreams and live your best life! Please email me at editor@rawgirltoxicworld.com if you have any further questions or concerns. XO

Healthy Living in Toxic World – Episode 8: The Benefits of Juicing

In this episode, we talk to Cherie Calbom, MS also known as “The Juice Lady,” a nutritionist and  published author of thirty five books who healed herself of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and cancer using the power of juicing.

We discuss:

  • Diseases that can improve from juicing
  • Her personal healing journey using the power of juicing
  • How to begin juicing and what you need to start
  • Power ingredients to juice to help the body detox
  • What to do if you have no time to juice
  • Which foods you need to get organic for juicing

& More! Tune in and don’t forget to share.

Healthy Living in a Toxic World – Episode 7: Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

In this episode, I speak with Alice Maher, a certified holistic health counselor who has over twenty years of experience working with clients on stress management.

We discuss:

  • Habits you can incorporate to reduce stress
  • Diseases and conditions that can be bought on from excess stress
  • What is stress?
  • Common traits of people who are stressed out
  • How Ayurveda can help manage your nutritional needs
  • The connection between stress and diet

& More! Tune in and don’t forget to share!

Healthy Living in a Toxic World – Episode 6: Transitioning to a Vegan Diet

In this episode of Healthy Living in a Toxic World, we speak to Victoria Moran, a vegan lifestyle expert, author of Main Street Vegan, and founder of the Main Street Vegan Academy about how to transition to a plant-based vegan diet.

We discuss:

  • Myths about veganism including where to get protein
  • How to find a balance on a vegan diet
  • Tips to make transitioning easier
  • How to save money on a vegan diet
  • Where to find great vegan food when eating out
  • How to handle dating, social and family situations while vegan

& More! Tune in and don’t forget to share!