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Tag Archives: raw food
Raw Girl’s Guide to Avoiding Medical Injections…Part One
This past week, I’ve been nursing whiplash from my recent car accident. Not so fun. But I had an amazing treatment this week that I promise to tell you about in more detail called Raindrop Therapy. This involves massage with pure essential oils, and realignment of the spine. In addition to the treatment, the practitioner who performed the therapy gave me a gallon of Kangen water (highly alkaline water) to drink and to help flush out toxins and relieve inflammation. To make a long story short, it worked wonders! Literally, THE next day I did not need to take pain killers. It was amazing and I plan on doing it again this week.
Now on the subject of my recent doctor’s visit… I really am so over it people!!! Not that doctors are not useful–because they are–especially in cases of major trauma. But I must say it really is very unnerving that what they primarily do is prescribe or inject some sort of remedy for any ailment you may have, which in turn may of course cause additional ailments in the long run.
The doctor checked my range of motion in my neck and for pain spots in my back, and then recommended physical therapy–as I thought would happen. Then a series of things happened that I was not expecting. One, he asked what meds I was taking, I explained I was prescribed a higher dose of Ibuprofen (which I had switched out for natural pill sources because I hate aspirin–but I didn’t tell him that), and he immediately frowned and shook his head with disbelief and muttered “No, muscle relaxer?” I told him no. He immediately went on to say he would prescribe a much higher dose pain-killer and muscle relaxer. He said worst case scenario if those didn’t stop the pain they could always INJECT me with steroids in my neck. WHAT? REALLY?? I just sat there trying not to give him the crazy eye, and then just for the heck of it I asked if he thought that the essential oil massage I was planning for the next day would help. He smirked, and said, “What the heck, I guess it couldn’t hurt?” And then he whisked off to send the order for my prescriptions to the pharmacy.
SIGH. I got in the car after being coaxed into buying these meds by concerned family members, and read over the ingredients and side effects. Both of them said things like may cause dizziness, nausea, constipation, and pretty much the whole gamut of other uncomfortable things that sounded pretty much like synonyms for DEATH to me. In addition, I did not know what any of the ingredients were–although I knew of course they were all chemical based. Right then and there I decided I was not taking those drugs. I immediately called a holistic doctor and asked his advice ( I will share what he said with you all shortly in another post) which saved me, and then later in the week I stuck to my plan and got my Raindrop Therapy. At least now, I have confidence that by the end of the month I will be feeling much stronger and as a bonus, I won’t have to worry about the side effects of some crazy blood-thinning meds that may do me a great deal harm in the long run. -XoXo Raw Girl
Planting 101 Cont’d: Organic Farming in a Toxic World
Sadly, this is the last of the planting 101 series… In this video, my mother discusses the difficulties that come with organic farming. I found this very interesting, because I had no clue how much our toxic environment can hinder organic farming. Since my planting 101 session, I haven’t been back in the garden. Nevertheless, I have seen and chowed down on some of the fruits of our labor! I have to say I do feel a little guilty for being a lazy raw foodie, but the the scars from the bites on my legs remind me that the joy of planting may for me, be accompanied by another mosquito-make-out-sesh. We have some very cute cucumbers that have grown, and I’m still raiding the backyard for greens and scallions whenever I need them. Soon and very soon, I’ll upload another video to show you some of these lovely veggies. For now, check this out! – XoXo Raw Girl
Raw Girl’s OWN Audition & Impromptu Ambulance Ride
Hey there raw vegan lovers. I have had a CRAZY past couple of days, and so I have been M.I.A. First off, I was trying to get my video together in time for yesterday’s deadline for the Oprah Winfrey Network, and secondly I was in a car accident that could have been fatal but thankfully I emerged with all of my raw self in tact and fully functioning. I am sure you may have heard by now, that Oprah is looking for new shows, and she had in-person, and on-line open calls for people to submit ideas. My idea was an extension of this here lovely blog. Basically Raw Girl In a Toxic World, but live and in-color. You know you want to see it! Please check out my video via the link below, and if you likes what you see, VOTE for me! YOU CAN VOTE MULTIPLE TIMES. (PS I had an enormous amount of technical difficulties in the making and delivering of this audition video! It was crazy! Hope you will forgive anything noticeable and vote for me anyway 😉
Now…back to the accident. All you DMVers may have heard about slugging? It’s an organized system where you can park your car in a commuter lot and hitch a ride on HOV with drivers so that you can all get into DC faster. I love it, it’s saved me a ridiculous amount of time and energy getting into Georgetown on a regular basis. Well on Tuesday, as I was doing my regular slug-a-lug— and the driver of the car I was in was not very focused. She’s chatting away with the passenger in the front seat, and talking to her like she’s chatting with a girlfriend at Starbucks over a frappucino, eye contact and everything. In my head, I’m thinking: “Watch the ROAD woman!”
Anywhoo, we are on 395 in the HOV lane, and she, not paying any attention steps hard on the brakes, just before hitting another car. The car behind us, misses the signals and slams right into us! Mind you, I AM IN THE BACKSEAT. All I remember was feeling a very HARD thrust in my back, jerking forward, calling out to God and grabbing my head before it hit the seat in front of me. Luckily, I did have my seat belt on. Next thing I know my lower back is throbbing, and my neck feels really odd. Tears were streaming down my face and the ambulance workers arrived and began firing questions at me. What’s my name? Where does it hurt? On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is the pain? etc. Long story short this Raw Girl ended up with a neck brace on, strapped to a board and staring into the sea of unrecognizable faces and then the blue sky as I was lifted into the ambulance. Destination: INOVA hospital in Fairfax, Virginia.
We reached the hospital and my tail bone was burning. I couldn’t tell if it was from the board, or if somehow the crash broke my sitting bones! I was laying there and I hear this loud, almost sexual sounding moaning around me. Mind you, I was still strapped to the board and couldn’t move my neck at this point even if I wasn’t to see what it was. The moaning was getting louder and louder, and started to make me uncomfortable. Finally a doctor arrived and started asking the son of the wailing woman some questions. Apparently her knee was swollen and filled with liquid. Doctors confirmed with her son that she did have high blood pressure, and perhaps some history with diabetes. In that moment I was thankful that although I may have something broken, at least I was not in the severe pain that woman seemed to be in.
After a while and two examinations from different doctors, I got an X-ray of my neck. It was really funny because the woman who X-rayed it was so excited about how “nice” my neck was that I had to see it. So she showed me what the bones looked like on the monitor. That was cool. She also asked me how my hair was attached! Not so cool. Even though I was a little peeved, I flashed a smile and explained that I had dreadlocks, and that my hair was attached at the root. Back on the gurney I’m rolled back to wherever I was to begin with and my mother is there. The doctor approaches us and says my neck may be broken, they saw a line that may be some sort of breakage in the x-ray. My mother gasps, but in my mind at that very moment, I was repeating the mantra: “I am well, there’s nothing wrong with my neck, I am well…” So, I am off to get a cat scan. More waiting, and we find out…it’s normal. All is well, I just have cervical whiplash. Finally I left the hospital, wearing a neck brace just for stability, thanking God that the only thing that would bring me to the hospital is a severe out of the ordinary accident. I thought of the wailing woman, and wondered what became of her. At least at the end of the day, I know that I step up and take responsibility for my well-being so that I will not contract a terminal DIS-EASE, and I am grateful to know that I have some guardian angels that take care of the rest. So thankful to be living and have my spine in tact! ~ XoXo Raw Girl
The Wonders of Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar: A Parasite Killa’s Best Friend
- (scrapetv.com) Do you want to be a Ghostbuster or Parasite Killa? Hint: one of them may still have intestinal worms.
If you ever catch me on the go you may see me guzzling a 16 oz Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar drink like I’m the loser at a beer pong party. (FYI: I don’t drink alcohol, so I only know about gatherings such as these from movies and programming on MTV, no firsthand beer pongage going on over here.) I drink them in the morning, in my car, while catwalking on M Street in Georgetown, and sometimes when the sun goes down. Why you ask is this Raw Girl so gung-ho about vinegar? Well, ever since I improved my overall health and well-being by taking on a parasite cleanse, I have grown wary of letting the suckers come back and get the best of me ever again. That means adopting a mostly green diet, limiting sugar intake, and regularly incorporating foods I know they don’t like, just in case.
Remember Ghostbusters? If you don’t for some odd reason it’s about a trio of misfit parapsychologists start hunting ghosts for a living in this science fiction comedy. Although I wish the existence of parasites was limited to fiction, my first parasite cleanse proved the opposite, and converted me from an average girl to a bona fide Parasite Killa. I learned quickly that if you were about to be taken out by parasites, Apple Cider Vinegar is like a Parasite Killa’s best ammo. Although there are many types of parasites and different foods irritate different worms, there are some parasites that will die automatically just with persistent consumption of apple cider vinegar. I can personally attest to this without giving you any wormy details. This should never be the only remedy you use if you do have worms, as additional herbs and cleansing will be needed depending on the types in your body. For prevention, a daily concoction of this diluted in water and drunk straight or mixed with honey definitely gets a gold seal.
Why is this exactly? Apple Cider Vinegar helps restore a proper hydrochloric acid balance in the body, and therefore promotes good bacteria and creates an environment in which parasites cannot thrive. It is a fermented drink, and if you remember my previous post, consumption of fermented foods is essential for great colon health. (Check out link below if you missed it.) In tandem with these benefits that give strength to a budding Parasite Killa, apple cider vinegar also provides a host of other benefits that may appeal to any health enthusiast:
- Aids proper digestion and can cure constipation
- Can help fight bacterial and fungal infections
- Can relieve join pain
- Balance cholesterol
- Can help heal skin conditions such as acne. age spots, and reduces the appearance of cellulite
- Protects against food poisoning
- Increases stamina
- Boosts metabolism and assists with weight loss
- Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections
- Known to be helpful with a host of ailments: constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure, obesity etc.
In addition to these zany health benefits, the nutritional profile of apple cider vinegar is quite impressive. The vinegar contains a host of vitamins, beta-carotene, pectin and vital minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, chlorine, sulphur, iron, and fluorine. Pretty gangsta, if you ask me. If you’re ready to start killin’ those worms, or if you just want to incorporate something groovy that’ll enhance your health, get on the apple cider vinegar bandwagon. Two tablespoons added to a glass of water is sufficent. You can try a little more if you like, but make sure there is a LOT more water than vinegar. Make sure you always dilute the vinegar, as it is highly acidic when not diluted and if consumed straight in large amounts can lead to loss of teeth enamel or a yellowish color on your teeth. Always buy only the ORGANIC and UNFILTERED kind. The others will not give you the same benefits and do not have the same vitamins and minerals in tact. – XoXo Raw Girl
P.S. My cheesy Raw Girl Parasite Killa soundtrack:
When there’s something strange rumbling in ur tummy – Who u gonna call? PARASITE KILLAS! When ur energy’s low & you don’t feel good – Who you gonna call? PARASITE KILLAS! (I ain’t afraid of no worms)
Want to know other foods that help you keep a balance of good bacteria in your gut? Check out my past post on fermented foods: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2010/03/22/new-article-the-benefits-of-fermented-foods/
To find out about more foods parasites don’t like check this post: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2010/03/15/the-anti-parasite-diet-foods-that-make-parasites-run-for-cover/
Cooking with Egg: Chef Egg Demonstrates Knife Skills
I always wanted to learn to cut like a real chef. You know how they slice and dice and make everything look so easy because of the way they wield their knives? Well at the Raw Food Festival on June 6th (which was a blast by the way–if you weren’t there you’re definitely square) I met the man who could teach me just that. Chef Egg is his name and teaching culinary skills is his game, at least a great majority of the time. He teaches free cooking classes at the Whole Foods in Silver Spring that school everyone from newbie chefs to the average Joe on knife skills, sanitation, and basic recipes. Beyond that he also has experience moonlighting as a private chef. Check out his website: www.cookingwithegg.com and the video below from the festival. Not only did I get to watch him prepare a colorful, zesty pineapple salsa, I most definitely sampled it and later added it as a topping on my raw falafel. Yum! – XoXo Raw Girl
Planting 101: Raw Girl Braves the Soil
Happy June! Hope Memorial Day was lovely for all the raw vegan lovers out there. It was a great day, but it was so hot in DC I felt like I was walking through a sauna while strolling the streets of Georgetown! Besides working up a sweat outside, and doing a little window shopping, I finally found the time to plant some seeds in the garden. I spent about two lovely hours with my mother in the garden planting melons and snap peas. During our gardening 101 session, I learned so much that I have to break up this planting video into several segments. As promised, I am going to share it all with you.
As much as I love nature, I am definitely not the type you would find going camping, or wanting to sleep in woods somewhere. I despise insects, mostly because they bite the heck out of me, and of course, it hurts. Then there is the fact that my wardrobe is usually flamboyant and most of the garments are either designer or vintage and I hate the idea of messing up my clothes. (Can you say DIVA?) Despite all of these factors, I am determined to cultivate my green thumb, even if I have to paint it on. So I put on some bummy leggings and braved the soil. All in all it was fun to get a down and dirty and very exciting to be able to eat some veggies straight from the garden. Hope you’ll be inspired to test out your green thumb as well. Even my fellow divas out there— just remember, leave your stilettos inside. – XoXo Raw Girl
Want to look back at some of the veggies planting in my garden? Check out the Planting Preview Video:
Hibiscus Iced Tea: A Refreshing Summer Beverage w/ Nutritional Benefits
During one of my regular trips to Brooklyn, a girlfriend of mine made me Hibiscus Ginger Iced tea, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Not only does this tea (served hot or cold) have a lovely flavor, it is caffeine-free, and also comes with some very lovely nutritional benefits. So if you are still someone who gets down with the packaged iced tea mix to co0l you down, consider investing in some dried hibiscus flowers and giving this refreshing tea a try. Several variations can be made just by adding lime, ginger, or even mint. Try what suits your taste buds and make sure to sweeten with unrefined sugar: raw sugar, agave, stevia etc. I actually used cactus honey, which was delicious. Taking an early Raw Girl Vacay Weekend to work on a new project! Be back on Monday with more fuel for your raw fire. -XoXo Raw Girl
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
- Can lower blood pressure and control cholesterol levels. Many studies have confirmed this benefit: In a study conducted in 2004 which was published in the journal Phytomedicine, seventy people drank 16 oz of hibiscus tea before breakfast or took anti-hypertensive medication. In one month’s time, the group who was drinking the tea had a reduction of at least ten points in their diastolic blood pressure.
- Assists in weight loss. Hibiscus tea contains an enzyme inhibitor that blocks the production of amylase, which is an enzyme that breaks down complex carbs and sugars. If one drinks hibiscus tea after meals, this will reduce the absorption of dietary carbs and help shed some pounds!
- Boosts Your Immune System. Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C and therefore regular ingestion can help to fight off colds and infections.
- Prevents bladder infection and constipation.
How to Prepare
- Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 4 whole flowers or 2 tablespoons of dried flower petals.
- Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes.
- Strain.
- Add sweetener (preferably not refined sugar). For variations try adding mint, ginger (add in while boiling), lemon juice, or an orange peel to add extra flavor.
Another way to prepare hibiscus tea:
- Soak dried hibiscus flowers in water for 2 days (no boiling required).
- Strain.
To maximize the benefits of hibiscus tea, store your flowers in a cool, dry location.
Style Naturally: Taking the Green Movement to Your Closet
So, I know I’ve bothered you all with a little bit of fashion rambling a couple of times in the last two months because I can’t help it. I love, love, love, fashion so I want to share a new side of my fashionista self I am exploring–the ECO-Fashionista. Summer Rayne Oakes, a colleague from my college days, is now a full-fledged Eco-Supermodel/TV host/Superwoman, and featured me in her book, “Style Naturally.” Prior to this I never thought of my clothing as eco-friendly, but I discovered that it was because I wear mostly vintage, clothes that I barter in clothing swaps, and also clothing that I make myself. I do not wear real FUR, ever, and never will, but I do wear leather. I hear you hardcore vegans growling, but I only wear vintage leather–I made a conscious decision awhile ago to not buy new leather and contribute to the continuing cycle of animals being slaughtered.
Two weeks ago I was invited to a conference at Fashion Institute of Technology focused on eco-fashion, eco-friendly, green, and sustainable design and living. It was very interesting and some really cool products caught my eye that I plan to purchase very soon. What excited me most about this movement is that just as we consume green juices, and make sure to get our daily helping of greens in our salads, it is important in this toxic world to also live as green as possible. Meaning, we take into consideration how our lifestyle, our clothes, our food, everything is affecting our planet, and the welfare of our fellow humans and the animal kingdom. Hope to share some cool finds and inspire you to join me on the green journey, inside and out! – XoXo Raw Girl
Click below for an article posted recently about Summer Rayne Oakes:
The Miracle of Harvesting: Check Out My Backyard Veggies!
Before the end of May, my mother is going to give me a 101 crash course on planting for dummies and I promise to share the knowledge. In the planting department, I am definitely a dummy, and I have also been known to cut the life span short of many a budding sprout because my schedule got crazy and I neglected to nurture it. The goal this year, is to learn the trade and devote a little quality time and TLC to my veggies. If I am going to continue on with this lifestyle, I want to know that if I was stranded somewhere, I could survive, and also that I can create a little organic haven of my own right in my backyard of fresh produce full of life force.
A colleague of mine in New York whose is vegan once told me how he found some ripe edible fruit growing in the midst of the concrete jungle in Brooklyn. He washed it and started eating it, and this loud-mouthed female Brooklynite who was nearby made a comment about how it was nasty that he was eating a fruit from the tree. He laughed and tried to explain to her that the fruit from the tree was fresher and safer than a great deal of the produce she was used to at her local grocery store. It is incredible how many people actually think that fruit originates from Safeway, Pathmark, Whole Foods, or Harris Teeter! We are so far removed from nature and natural order, that if left in the wild many of us might walk around hungry when there was an acre of kale growing right in front of us. I’m sure that would happen to me, although I’m making some progress.
The little bit that I have worked in the garden helping my mother as she harvested and cared for her veggies, taught me some incredible life lessons. As we started to work she rambled on, and it started to hit home for me. In our own lives we reap what we sow, and the right conditions and care have to exist in order to claim our harvest. This applies to our dreams, our plans, our relationships, everything really goes through this process from seed or idea to plant or creation. While weeding, which is very therapeutic by the way–especially if you need to vent–she mentioned that certain people or toxic conditions can stifle the plant and keep it from growing and that it was important to pull the weeds from the root or else they will grow right back and stifle the plant. At the time I was noticing that certain negative people and situations were falling out of my life, and as I pulled the weeds, I understood, that I had to let go, truly let go, or else those people and situations would keep me from growing into the person that I was created to be.
Nature really is a miracle. Very often, I look around and am in awe of the variety, the colors, and the complexity of nature which has so much to teach all of us, and which offers us all we need already to be in perfect health and in perfect peace. All in all, I’m inspired to discover my green thumb, and I hope that you will be too. Below is a short video, with a glimpse of the collard greens, chard, and the last one I found out it is a type of kale, growing in my backyard pots. -XoXo Raw Girl
KFC Serves Up Disease for the Bargain Price of $6.99
Apparently, KFC has decided to take the art of killing people with toxic meals to a whole new level. Introducing the Double Down Combo, which is literally a “sandwich” that consists of bacon and two types of cheese, sandwiched in between two chicken filets. And, no, I’m not kidding. I nearly gagged when I saw this image. My first thought after seeing this was related to an episode called “The ITIS” from controversial but always hilarious show The Boondocks. In the episode, the grandfather character created a burger which he named “The Luther,” which consisted of bacon, meat, and cheese sandwiched in between two krispy kreme donuts. (Ew!) The grandfather sells this burger and other lard-filled dishes at his restaurant which has beds for all the customers so they can easily pass out after eating. After serving up these meals, the crime level goes wild in the neighborhood, people are hankering for the Luther burger like it’s a crack habit, and the restaurant eventually gets shut down by a woman who sues them for the emotional and physical damage caused by her Luther burger addiction. It’s so absurdly truthful, I couldn’t laugh long enough to keep from crying.
Everyday people are choosing DIS-EASE on a platter. They are encouraged to do so, expected to do so, and even feel entitled to do so. In some cases they will even scoff at you and your salad even thought they themselves are suffering from ailments, low energy, and general dis-ease. KFC’s Double Down Combo is yet another way Americans have the option to supersize their heart disease, hypertension, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, etcetera. For the sake of this toxic world, I hope somebody starts to make these fast food chains, processed food conglomerates, and the meat companies who expose animals to torturous conditions and consumers to tainted product more accountable. They should be held partly responsible for the deaths, ailments, the stress, and the pain of consumers who buy into the five seconds of pleasure combined with years of hospital bills provided by the various versions of disease-on-a-bun. But then again at the end of the day, we all have to make a conscious effort to remind ourselves that whatever we put in our body can have serious consequences to our livelihood. For the sake of our health, our families, and our world, it’s up to each of us to take precautions before the veggie hits the fan and choose LIFE over ITIS on a platter. -XoXo Raw Girl