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Author Archives: rawgirl
Cooking with Egg: Chef Egg Demonstrates Knife Skills
I always wanted to learn to cut like a real chef. You know how they slice and dice and make everything look so easy because of the way they wield their knives? Well at the Raw Food Festival on June 6th (which was a blast by the way–if you weren’t there you’re definitely square) I met the man who could teach me just that. Chef Egg is his name and teaching culinary skills is his game, at least a great majority of the time. He teaches free cooking classes at the Whole Foods in Silver Spring that school everyone from newbie chefs to the average Joe on knife skills, sanitation, and basic recipes. Beyond that he also has experience moonlighting as a private chef. Check out his website: www.cookingwithegg.com and the video below from the festival. Not only did I get to watch him prepare a colorful, zesty pineapple salsa, I most definitely sampled it and later added it as a topping on my raw falafel. Yum! – XoXo Raw Girl
Natural Remedies: Vitamin B1 Wards Off Mosquito & Insect Bites!
I despise mosquitoes. I really do abhor them with the Shakespearean like fire of a thousand suns, but they LOVE me, and even more so, they love sucking my blood. The last time I was in Jamaica I made the mistake of taking a little stroll on the beach on a late night and woke up to almost golf ball sized bites all over my legs. Needless to say, I was on bed rest for the remainder of my vacay thanks to that unexpected mosquito make-out session. This has been going on, for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always been afraid of international travel because I am sure I would be the first one with malaria, and then in my head I imagine people shaking their heads at my funeral saying: “She was a nice girl, with so much potential…too bad she just couldn’t shake those mosquitoes.” Not a cool way to go out.
Fast forward to last week: as much as I had a blast planting with my mother on Memorial Day in her garden, I wish that fond memories were all that I took with me. The next day I saw about five huge bites on my legs! Sulking and trying not to scratch, I made a run to one of my regular health food stores to find some sort of remedy. A friend who is a homeopath recommended tea tree oil or Arnica so I immediately went on a hunt in the isle with oils and creams. The saleswoman always friendly and eager to assist approached and asked what was wrong. I had to stop myself from whining as I gave her a slightly dramatic sob-story about my whole life being plagued by mosquitoes, and how I was going to die from malaria, unless I found something GANGSTA to make it stop immediately. She gave me a pat on the back and told me first to breathe, and that everything would be okay I wasn’t going to die, I just needed Vitamin B1! I had never heard this before, so I stopped thinking about how bad I wanted to itch my leg and became more attentive. She asked if I had a lot of sugar in my diet. I told her I don’t eat anything with refined sugar, but I do get sugar from fruit. Oh okay, she nodded her head and continued on, “Well honey they are attracted to the sugar in your blood, and you need B1 to repel them, which you can get in nutritional yeast, some soy products (I don’t do soy), brewers yeast, etc.” Then she told me about several other customers with the same exact problem, who completely ended their mosquito drama just by consuming nutritional yeast or a great deal of garlic in pill form, and bugs would not come near them!
I decided that I would pass on having a garlic smell seeping from my pores on a hot summer day and opted to buy a bag full of nutritional yeast which I have been consuming regularly. It basically acts as an internal mosquito repellant, which to me seems much better than having to tote around a giant can of bug repellant to all social occasions that involve the open air. Thus far, everything has been A-Okay, no bug bites since then, but the ultimate test would be to hang out near a body of water on a late night and see if I emerge bite-free. For now, I’m not game to be the guinea pig in my own mosquito experiment, I’m just content to know that I may have stumbled upon something long-term that will save me from a lifetime of itching while walking. If you’ve got the buggy blues, or know someone who does, check out the tips below to transition into bug bite-free living. -XoXo Raw Girl
What is Vitamin B1?
Vitamin B1 a.k.a. Thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin that is a part of the B-complex vitamin family. This important vitamin assists the body in converting blood sugars to glucose and breaking down carbs, proteins, and fats. In addition it supports proper functioning of the heart, maintains the bodies energy supplies, and helps coordinate activities of the muscles and nerves. If one was severely Vitamin B1 deficient this wold lead to a rare condition called Beri Beri, which is characterized by fatigue, degeneration of the muscle tissues, and some forms of psychosis. Alcohol consumption apparently inhibits the absorption of vitamin B1, so excessive drinking could lead to B1 deficiencies.
Signs of B1 Deficiency:
Loss of apetite, fatigue, depression, mental problems, muscle atrophy, memory loss, and rapid heart beat
Some Food Sources of B1:
Nutritional yeast, brewers yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, asparagus, romaine lettuce, mushrooms, spinach,*Maca Powder (this is going to be the next supplement I buy–not only is this ancient Incan super food packed with a range of nutrition, I noticed it has B1–so I can get a nutritional boost and scare mosquitos away in one fell swoop) Other thing mosquitoes don’t like: Garlic. If your okay with a little garlic breath, buy garlic capsules and consume recommended dosage or incorporate garlic cloves into one of your daily meals.
The Bg Free Livin’ Plan
To ward off the buggies, consume a serving size (something like 2 Tablespoons) of Nutritional yeast each day (can sprinkle in food, add to smoothies etc.), or take garlic capsules, along with incorporating some Vitamin B1 rich foods for up to 3 weeks until mosquito make out sessions are less frequent. Continue intake ongoing as needed to maintain your bug-free lifestyle.
Planting 101: Raw Girl Braves the Soil
Happy June! Hope Memorial Day was lovely for all the raw vegan lovers out there. It was a great day, but it was so hot in DC I felt like I was walking through a sauna while strolling the streets of Georgetown! Besides working up a sweat outside, and doing a little window shopping, I finally found the time to plant some seeds in the garden. I spent about two lovely hours with my mother in the garden planting melons and snap peas. During our gardening 101 session, I learned so much that I have to break up this planting video into several segments. As promised, I am going to share it all with you.
As much as I love nature, I am definitely not the type you would find going camping, or wanting to sleep in woods somewhere. I despise insects, mostly because they bite the heck out of me, and of course, it hurts. Then there is the fact that my wardrobe is usually flamboyant and most of the garments are either designer or vintage and I hate the idea of messing up my clothes. (Can you say DIVA?) Despite all of these factors, I am determined to cultivate my green thumb, even if I have to paint it on. So I put on some bummy leggings and braved the soil. All in all it was fun to get a down and dirty and very exciting to be able to eat some veggies straight from the garden. Hope you’ll be inspired to test out your green thumb as well. Even my fellow divas out there— just remember, leave your stilettos inside. – XoXo Raw Girl
Want to look back at some of the veggies planting in my garden? Check out the Planting Preview Video:
Monsanto Causes the “Invasion of the Superweeds”
It’s high time more people took a stand against genetically modified crops. Thankfully, these “super weeds” are taking a stand for the growing majority of us, that want to live toxin-free. Apparently, when Roundup pesticides and genetically modified Roundup ready crops were introduced, scientists predicted that the pesticides would spawn the growth of different kinds of weeds that could eventually grow resistant to the pesticides. In a recent New York Times article, a range of experts offered their opinion on the subject. One of the interesting points that was made is that the planting of Monsanto crops is working against natural order because of “mono-cropping” or the cultivation of only one-crop over large areas. With our changing and more and more unpredictable climate, biodiversity, meaning planting a range of various crops is going to be necessary in order for agriculture to continue to thrive. Our job as humans is not to alter natural order, but to cooperate with it. These weeds are a MAJOR sign that its time to go back to one. The real issue is, will Monsanto be willing to forgo GREED in order to save our land and the lives of millions of Americans? Please read the full article on the NY Times via the link below. – XoXo Raw Girl
More on Monsanto? Visit these old posts:
Also if you haven’t yet, watch the movie “Food, Inc.” which gives a nice overview of Monsanto and GMO foods:
Interview with Wanakhavi: The Man With a One Year Raw Plan
Committing to raw foods is tough for many people. Most of us need to ease into it, break long-term addictions, and may slowly but surely find our way into committing to eating raw for longer and longer periods of time. Now, Wanakhavi Wakhisi, a self-described photographer, editor, and healthy eater, decided at the beginning of 2010 to live on a raw food diet for an entire year. Pretty ballsy if you ask me, but he seems calm about it. Now in his fifth month, he has already become inspired enough to host a Raw Food Festival.
The festival will be on Sunday, June 6th, in Hyattsville, Maryland, and is free and open to the public. Check out the flyer below for more information. Besides getting to see some awesome raw food preparations, and hear about the benefits of raw foods, you will be able to taste test some yummy organic raw creations, including my world-famous (in my house) raw carrot cake. Come one, come all (skeptics especially), and bring your appetite! -XoXo Raw Girl
What made you decide to commit to one year raw and why one year? For the past few years, I have tried to take a full year to let go of something, and to learn how to not be so attached to things in my life. This year I wanted to see if I could go a year cutting out cooked food. I told myself if I could go 6 months I would be happy. On June 1st, I will have reached that 6 month mark, but now I know for sure I can finish out the entire year. Another reason for taking on the challenge was that I wanted to get serious about being healthy. In the past I’ve tried so many diets and programs and each time I never really committed because it’s so easy to be tempted to not eat the right thing. With RAW foods, my reasoning was that temptation would be lessened because all I would have in my kitchen is raw food.
Did you have any fears or concerns before you started? I had no fears at all, my only real concern was “Can I actually do this?” But now being in it almost 6 months i see that there really is a shift that takes place on all levels (physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally).
What was your diet prior to going raw? Did you ease into it/detox or just jump in? I was a pescatarian (vegetarian that eats fish) for about 8 years–and no, I did not detox prior, figuring that the raw food diet would be one big detox in itself. So what was funny is that the week before I went raw I ate the most junk in a week’s time, it was my way of saying good-bye. I probably gained a few pounds that week.
What were some immediate physical, mental, spiritual benefits you felt after changing your diet? Anything unexpected? I always tell people that adopting a raw diet expands one’s “raw potentional”–do you feel that way and if so what has opened up for you? I started loosing weight immediately because i was also exercising and drinking lots of water, but the majority of the weight fell off during the second month, guessing my body started to realize it wasnt going to get some of its favorite foods (carbs) and started to let go of the stored fat. In terms of spiritual benefits I was able to meditate better and also I felt clearer in terms of practicing Reiki. My dreams became a bit more vivid at the beginning as well.
What are some challenges you have faced thus far? Have you found it easy or difficult to maintain a raw diet while dealing with your normal work load, traveling on-the-go, and also in interaction with peers?
Well, what’s funny is that as you change your diet you change your life, so that was new to me, we never realize how much of our lives are really shaped around the food we eat. My morning routine has changed because I have to prep for lunch (which I bring to work each day). My weekends have changed a bit because I have to figure out what fancy dish I want to work on next, and lastly my overall work week is much more consistent which allows me to be more present. I will say that I have more interactions with my friends in my house rather than going out to a lounge or a restaurant, but when I do go out I try to eat a raw meal or some heavy raw snacks before I leave. So far I have not been tempted to eat anything cooked while out, sometimes I get a salad.
Are you taking any supplements, if so what? And are you incorporating any sort of regular detoxing/colon cleansing? I noticed a lot of men have an issue with the idea of cleaning their colons…I’m a huge proponent of getting colonics, and luckily I know a few hydrotherapists. I am taking two multi-vitamins a day and at times I may take a B-vitamin and sometimes some fish oil (for the brain). I also take flax seed pills at times. There’s probably more I could do but for now I am keeping it simple. Sometimes when we start something a diet or lifestyle change…we can get overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to really be optimal, however, since this is just really a “challenge” I am not trying to make it too harsh on myself.
What advice or perhaps resources would you suggest to someone looking to dive into the raw lifestyle? Wow, well here you go…
1. Have some clear reasons why you want to go raw
2. Dont beat yourself up if you slip up (there’s no raw food police)
3. Many raw meals take a lot of time to prepare so if you are trying to make a fancy meal each day you will find your whole life is in the kitchen, so perhaps use the weekends to make the fancier meals and the week to eat simple salads, smoothies, etc.
4. Make sure you get some fats in your diet and nuts but not too much, if so you will find yourself gaining weight
5. Utilize the web before investing in too many raw food books, pretty much any recipe you want to try can be found online or even a demonstration on you tube
6. If you can do it with a partner it will make things cheaper: you will find yourself at the beginning buying all of the tools and spices which can get expensive, if you can split the costs that would be better for both your pockets.
7. Figure out if you want to be 100% raw, mostly raw, or seasonally raw, the main point to going raw is to live a healthier life overall.
8. Make sure you invest in a GOOD BLENDER, GOOD KNIFE (ceramic ones), and a DEHYDRATOR. These three things will save you!
You haven’t even finished out that whole year and already you are organizing a raw food festival–what motivated you to organize the festival and what do you hope people will take away from the experience? Well I’ve actually been organizing fairs, festivals, meetings, etc. since my college days. I’ve always loved bringing people together for a good cause, something my mother used to do all the time. Also, the DC area is really starting to catch up to other cities in terms of the Raw food movement with a few cafe’s offering raw items on their menus. This festival I hope can be the first of many that will really bring the DMV raw food community together as well as expose the beauty and the benefits of eating raw to people who normally don’t indulge.
What are your favorite raw meals to prepare?
Raw Tacos and Smoothies!
Last but not least, you gotta give me one of your little sayings full of wisdom… Each day we put things in our bodies of which come from our mother earth. She spent years even decades preparing our foods, nurturing the soil, watering it, growing it, and making it accessible to us. By eating foods in their raw state you are sending her a message that you really appreciate all her hard work.
Love it! Hope there will be a nice turn out at the festival, and wishing you the best with your one year raw journey.
Hibiscus Iced Tea: A Refreshing Summer Beverage w/ Nutritional Benefits
During one of my regular trips to Brooklyn, a girlfriend of mine made me Hibiscus Ginger Iced tea, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Not only does this tea (served hot or cold) have a lovely flavor, it is caffeine-free, and also comes with some very lovely nutritional benefits. So if you are still someone who gets down with the packaged iced tea mix to co0l you down, consider investing in some dried hibiscus flowers and giving this refreshing tea a try. Several variations can be made just by adding lime, ginger, or even mint. Try what suits your taste buds and make sure to sweeten with unrefined sugar: raw sugar, agave, stevia etc. I actually used cactus honey, which was delicious. Taking an early Raw Girl Vacay Weekend to work on a new project! Be back on Monday with more fuel for your raw fire. -XoXo Raw Girl
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
- Can lower blood pressure and control cholesterol levels. Many studies have confirmed this benefit: In a study conducted in 2004 which was published in the journal Phytomedicine, seventy people drank 16 oz of hibiscus tea before breakfast or took anti-hypertensive medication. In one month’s time, the group who was drinking the tea had a reduction of at least ten points in their diastolic blood pressure.
- Assists in weight loss. Hibiscus tea contains an enzyme inhibitor that blocks the production of amylase, which is an enzyme that breaks down complex carbs and sugars. If one drinks hibiscus tea after meals, this will reduce the absorption of dietary carbs and help shed some pounds!
- Boosts Your Immune System. Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C and therefore regular ingestion can help to fight off colds and infections.
- Prevents bladder infection and constipation.
How to Prepare
- Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 4 whole flowers or 2 tablespoons of dried flower petals.
- Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes.
- Strain.
- Add sweetener (preferably not refined sugar). For variations try adding mint, ginger (add in while boiling), lemon juice, or an orange peel to add extra flavor.
Another way to prepare hibiscus tea:
- Soak dried hibiscus flowers in water for 2 days (no boiling required).
- Strain.
To maximize the benefits of hibiscus tea, store your flowers in a cool, dry location.
5 Principles of Yoga: Living the Life of a Yoga Warrior
Beginning in February, to show myself some love, I started my 30 day Yoga Challenge, and practiced 1.5 hours of hot yoga three times a week for the month. Check out the post via the link below.
It was definitely a challenge, I was VERY sore for most of the month, but of course inspired, and to make a long story short by the time the challenge was over I was already hooked. I still go at least two times a week and LOVE how it makes me feel. My mind is clearer, moods are even more even kilter, and also I am more productive in general! So, no more challenges, now I am just living la vida yoga. I always thought of yoga as a way of life, and was committed to being a “yogi” in my own way, following a spiritual path. I started doing yoga almost everyday but fell of the wagon, got into raw foods to further purify my diet, and began regularly meditating. Not until recently has it all come together again that my diet, exercise, and meditation have aligned in regular practice. I’ve been falling off the meditation wagon lately, because things are getting busy, but it shows… it’s usually when we are the busiest that contacting stillness does a whole lot of good for us in our daily lives. So, I’m working on carving out time!
Below are the Five Principles of Yoga. They are so simply summed up, but at the end of the day it takes a long-term commitment and consistent effort in all of these areas to attain the goal of true self-realization. Good news is, living La Vida Raw definitely puts you in the game. – XoXo Raw Girl
Proper Breathing
Most of us go through life not really breathing. In fact a lot of people look like they are holding their breath. Breathing in yoga is deep abdominal breathing which supplies the body with a flood of oxygen, and brings air to the deepest part of the lungs. Yogic breathing or pranyama is a lesson to us on how to recharge our life force using just our breath, and also helps us to calm and control our minds.
Proper Relaxation
Our crazy, toxic, and hurried world, definitely lends itself to being stressed out. The sad thing is the majorities of people are stressed out ALL THE TIME, and have to be taught how to relax. When we try, sometimes we find our minds are racing and we cannot truly be at peace. All of the tension created from bad moods, worry, anger etc. can lead to lethargy, headaches, and even terminal illnesses. In yoga, when your body becomes completely relaxed, no energy is being dissipated. This state of relaxation revitalizes the nervous system and brings an overall feeling of “inner peace” which carries over into your daily activities and helps you easily relinquish worries and fears.
Proper Exercise
If you’ve ever practiced yoga, you should be able to attest to the fact that it differs from other physical exercises which focus on developing the body through mechanical movements. During yoga, because the body is completely relaxed, there is practically no energy consumed or expended. This means that the body has a chance to recharge on the spiritual, mental and physical level, which in turn leads to more vitality in our daily lives.
Proper Diet
The proper diet according to yogic principles is a vegetarian diet consisting of pure, simple, and natural foods which can be digested easily. This diet aligns one with the true purpose of eating, which is to supply the body with the cosmic energy “Prana” or life-force. Eating this highly alkaline diet and avoiding over stimulating and acidic foods like: meat, eggs, fish, coffee, refined sugar and carbohydrates, and free of alcohol and drugs, also assists the yogi in maintaining stellar health. An acidic environment in the body is the root of all disease, so adopting this alkaline diet, minimizes or virtually eliminates toxicity in the body and keeps one dis-ease and ailment-free.
The gift of meditation allows us to easily see through the fog of problems and mental chatter that creates agitation and reactivity. The act of stilling the mind, which in this state has no thoughts or desires, we contact the true Source which is us, and where all answers lie. When the surface of a lake (the mind) is agitated by waves (thoughts) we can’t see the bottom clearly. But when the surface of a lake is still, we can see the bottom easily and all things become clear. Meditation shows us that we all have the inherent ability to contact this stillness, shut out thoughts, and control our minds.
Check out the previous post on my 30 Day Challenge:http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2010/02/14/raw-girls-30-day-warrior-challenge/
Need inspiration to get started? I was inspired by Tonya Zavasta, one of my anti-aging she-roes (who has fake titatium hips!) and healed herself with raw foods and hot yoga:
Anti-Aging SHE-RO # 7
Up until now, I have not had the pleasure of interviewing any of my Anti-Aging She-roes, simply because I don’t know them or have direct access to them. I am excited this week to highlight model Pat Evans, who’s fierce look caused quite a stir in the world of fashion, and who is still gorgeous, as she has aged gracefully.
During my time in undergraduate studies, I was a fashion design major, and made it my mission to also study the history of people of color in fashion. In fact, I wrote a thesis on just that, focusing on the time period between 1950 and 1980. The images that I came across of Pat, were inspiring to me, she had shaved her head completely bald and was incredibly stunning. Needless to say, it was a great honor and pleasure to interview her, she is a beautiful example and inspiration for all of us that we can create and uphold our own standards of beauty. -XoXo Raw Girl
What are the most important factors you believe can help with aging beautifully? Growing old is mandatory, acting your age is optional. I still play games with 4 yr old children! I’m very active and I don’t like to be what is called starched. I love laughter…it keeps me healthy and it is good for the spirit.
What is your skin care regimen like? I wash my face with facial gel and then I rinse it thirty times with very warm water and after with cold water. I use a good moisturizer as well.
What is your exercise regimen like and do you think it plays any part in how great you look? I was a martial artist when I was in NYC, I studied Seido Karate, I was a dancer for a very long time, and now I am a lead dancer at Pow Wow. I am Nanticoke Lenape Native American.
Your look really took the modeling industry by storm in the late sixties, how did you manage to stick to your own perception of beauty despite naysayers and racial barriers? And I’m also curious to know…what in particular made you decide to shave off all your hair? Was it planned or a spontaneous decision? Racial Barriers sometimes can be people of color not accepting you. Some people have become hair worshipers and believe it holds their entire being. I’ve known women that would not go out if their hair did not look great. My thought was “What if there were no hair?” Hair is NOT your crowning glory.
How would you define natural beauty? Natural beauty is a great smile and a good heart and spirit.
What advice would you give to aspiring models of color today? My advice to any model: KEEP YOUR MORALS.
Diary of My 7 Day Spring Cleaning
I feel like I’m a little late on my annual spring cleaning, but better late than never, as they say. The best way to gauge whether or not you need to detox or cleanse is really to listen to your body, and last week my body was screaming “STOP EATING FOR A MINUTE.” So, I listened. Another factor that always plays a huge part in my personal desire to fast is what is happening in my life at the time. If I feel like things are in transition, or new projects and opportunities are in a very important incubation phase, sometimes I use fasting like a form of prayer. It keeps my thoughts still and positive, vibration high, and allows me to hear clearer guidance from the universe.
Fasting, as I have mentioned in previous posts, is a sure way to increase longevity, rid the body of stored toxins, and awaken a deeper spiritual connection. In Dr. Gabriel Cousen’s book, Spiritual Nutrition, he discusses fasting as, “the ultimate way to reactivate the youthing gene expression.” he goes on to elaborate that research has proven that fasting actually allowed a “youthing gene” to be turned on, and people were literally “reverting to an earlier stage of their gene expression.” They were getting younger! If none of those reasons appeal to you, then perhaps you would just like to have a natural glow–after and sometimes even during every fast–my skin always gets just a little bit more radiant and people often comment on it. Below is the regimen I followed on my own Spring Cleaning. I didn’t really plan it out, just kind of went with the flow.
Usually it is best to ease into it, having less and less solids and more liquids, then do liquids alone all day, and then transition back out of the fast easily. In total my spring cleaning was 7 days, 2 days transitioning into it, 3 days of liquid only fasting, and 2 days to transition off of the fast. Fasting for up to seven to ten days is generally considered safe by many fasting experts, but if one has an acute disease it would be wise to fast in conjunction with a health professional.
For more info on Juice fasting check out this previous post/article I wrote: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2009/11/18/my-article-on-the-benefits-of-juice-fasting/
For tips on how to make your fast stress free check out this previous post: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2009/11/18/tips-for-a-stress-free-fast/
Hope you will be inspired to tailor your own personal spring cleaning and move into to summer glowing and toxin-free. -XoXo Raw Girl
Day 1
Morning: lots of water, Around 12pm: Watermelon (it was a huge piece like 1/3 of a whole watermelon :), Around 3pm: Water & Meat of 1 Thai Coconut, Around 6pm: one large spinach/kale/avocado salad w/ pine nuts and red bell pepper
Day 2
Morning: lots of water, Around 12pm: Water & Meat from Thai coconut, Around 4 pm: Water & meat from Thai Coconut, Around 7pm: Miso Soup with seaweed, carrot, scallions, and ginger
Day 3
Morning: lots of water, Around 12pm 32 oz of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, Lots of water throughout the day, Around 5:30 pm around 24 oz green juice: kale, celery, apple, ginger, Late evening: green tea
Day 4
Morning: lots of water, Around 12pm Coconut Water, Around 3pm 24 oz of green juice: celery, kale, apple, lemon, ginger, Around 6pm Coconut Water, Around 7pm Several glasses of Hibiscus Flower tea
Day 5
Morning: lots of water, several glasses of Hibiscus flower tea, Around 12pm: 16 oz of Cleansing Cocktail (Watch video of how to make in this post: http://rawgirltoxicworld.com/2010/03/23/how-to-make-a-cleansing-cocktail/), Around 3pm Green Coconut Water (coconut water and meat blended with spirulina mixed in), Around 7pm: veggie broth w/seaweed
Day 6
Morning: Lots of water, Around 12 pm coconut water and meat, 3pm: coconut water and meat, Around 7pm: 1 guacamole nori roll with shredded beet, carrots, and a little red quinoa salad w/red onion (tastes like heaven)
Day 7
Morning: water, Around 12pm: green juice, 4pm veggie broth, 7:30pm kale & mixed green salad w/ avocado dressing
Wise Ones on The Benefits of Fasting
Today is the last Day of my Fast/Spring Cleaning, and I went searching for some inspiration. Below are some quotes on fasting and it’s benefits. Next week I will share a blow-by-blow breakdown of my Spring Cleaning. Taking a Raw Girl Vacay weekend and will be back on Monday, refreshed from Spring Cleaning and ready to add more fuel to your raw fire.
-XoXo Raw Girl
“Fasting is an effective and safe method of detoxifying the body…a technique that wise men have used for centuries to heal the sick. Fast regularly and help the body heal itself and stay well. Give all of your organs a rest. Fasting can help reverse the aging process, and if we use it correctly, we will live longer, happier lives.” ~James Balch, M.D.
“Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one’s flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, and kindles the true light of chastity. Enter again into yourself.” ~Saint Augustine
“Renew yourselves and fast, for I tell you truly that Satan and his plagues may only be cast out by fasting and by prayer. Go by yourself and fast alone, and show your fasting to no man. The living God shall see it, and great shall be your reward. And fast till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you, and all the angels of our Earthly Mother come and serve you. For I tell you truly, except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing. While you fast, eschew the Sons of Men and seek our Earthly Mother’s angels, for he that seeks shall find.” ~Jesus Christ “Essene Gospel of Peace”
“There is both a physical and a spiritual fast. In the physical fast, the body abstains from food and drink. In the spiritual fast, the faster abstains from evil intentions, words and deeds. One who truly fasts abstains from anger, rage, malice, and vengeance. One who truly fasts abstains from idle and foul talk, empty rhetoric, slander, condemnation, flattery, lying and all manner of spiteful talk. In a word, a real faster is one who withdraws from all evil.” – “As much as you subtract from the body, so much will you add to the strength of the soul.” – “By fasting, it is possible both to be delivered from future evils, and to enjoy the good things to come. We fell into disease through sin; let us receive healing through repentance, which is not fruitful without fasting.” ~Saint Basil
“Juice fasting is, without any doubt, the most effective biological method of treatment. It is the ‘operation without surgery.’ It is a cure involving exudation, reattunement, redirection, loosening up and purified relaxation. While fasting, the patient improves her or his physical health and gains much, but he or she will have neglected the most important thing if the hunger for spiritual nourishment that manifests itself during fasting is not satisfied. When the body fasts, the soul is hungry.” ~Otto Buchinger, Sr., M.D.
“If a person makes fasting part of her or his life, s/he’ll experience a heightened spiritual awareness. By taking a long fast or two, and then fasting one day a week, s/he’ll gradually find a growing peace and personal integration. America badly needs to go on a diet. It should do something drastic about excessive, unattractive, life-threatening fat. It should get rid of it in the quickest possible way, and this is by fasting.”~Allan Cott, M.D.
“True happiness is impossible without true health. True health is impossible without the rigid control of the palate.” – “A complete fast is a complete and literal denial of self. It is the truest prayer.” – “A genuine fast cleanses the body, mind and soul. It crucifies the flesh and, to that extent, sets the soul free.” – “What the eyes are for the outer world, fasts are for the inner.” – “My religion teaches me that whenever there is distress which one cannot remove, one must fast and pray.” – Fasting will bring spiritual rebirth to those of you who cleanse and purify your bodies. The light of the world will illuminate within you when you fast and purify yourself.” ~Mahatma Gandhi